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Alcohol Reduction Alcohol consumption guidance To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level, the UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) advise…
Care Navigation The CareNav+ Partnership is a network of partners and providers working together to support vulnerable residents coming through the Essex Wellbeing Service…
Carers Because carers need care too We understand that being an unpaid carer can be stressful and challenging. Your wellbeing could…
Child Lifestyle Service Why children need a healthy lifestyle Lifestyle habits formed in childhood can have a huge impact on an individual’s health…
Health Check Why refer yourself for a health check?  Everyone has a chance of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, type 2…
Mental Health & Emotional Support What is mental health and why do we call it emotional wellbeing? Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing.  …
Physical Activity Understanding the ‘silent killer’ Physical activity plays an important role in maintaining mood, managing weight and promoting self-esteem.   Exercise can…
Sleep Why is a good night’s sleep so important? One in three of us have poor levels of sleep with stress,…
Social Isolation What is social isolation and how does it compare to loneliness? It’s important to remember that loneliness is not the…
Stop Smoking Support for aspiring non-smokers There are many reasons why people smoke. Everyone has their own triggers, including stress, boredom and…
Weight Management Why lose weight? Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your overall health and wellbeing, and can lower the risk…
Working Well What is Working Well, and what does it do? Part of the Essex Wellbeing Service, Working Well provides Essex businesses (excluding…