Back to News Published: 23 September 2024

Stop smoking this Stoptober and you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good!

Stoptober is a UK-wide campaign encouraging smokers to quit for October. It’s led by Public Health England and offers tools, resources, professional guidance and community support. Thousands of people across the country take part each year. 

Smoking is well known to have serious negative effects on health. And it can cause or worsen a number of long-term conditions. Cancers of the lung, throat, and mouth are significantly more likely to affect smokers. And the risks of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), heart disease, stroke, reduced kidney function, complications from Type 2 Diabetes, and weakened immune systems skyrocket with smoking too. Your risks in pregnancy are also elevated and you might find it harder to become pregnant. It also reduces your eye and hearing health. And second-hand smoke creates serious impacts for childhood asthma, chest illnesses and cancers in adulthood.

Fortunately, you can help reduce the risks, even if you’ve smoked for a long time. You’ll start seeing the positive impacts within the first day of quitting!

Use the power and momentum of Stoptober

If you want to stop smoking, there’s no need to go it alone. It’s much easier to stop smoking when you get the right support and are part of a community. So why not join the Stoptober movement? Over 2.5 million people have quit smoking with Stoptober. ‘Structured support programmes’ such as Stoptober – where you’re supported through apps, professional guidance, nicotine replacement therapies, online or in-person communities, as well as your own motivation – are proven to be significantly more effective in the long run. Our EWS Stop Smoking services are structured in a similar way.

Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. When you stop you’ll see and feel improvements almost immediately. And, it’s never too late to quit. Even if you’ve tried before, give it another go this Stoptober. 

Stoptober is a 28-day challenge. Research shows you’re five times more likely to quit for good if you stop smoking for 28 days. That’s because those 28 days are when you break your habit – the subconscious patterns of behaviour that keeps you doing something you’d like to give up. The first 4 weeks are the hardest part. And your likelihood of becoming a non-smoker permanently keeps on increasing after that initial phase.

The benefits of stopping smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, responsible for 85-90% of cases. The toxins in cigarettes damage lung cells over time, leading to mutations and cancer. The good news is that lung cancer risk decreases significantly after quitting – you’ll benefit from a reduced risk and increased lifespan whatever your age!

Immediate benefits of quitting

Check your pulse! Within 20 minutes, your heart rate drops. After 8 hours your oxygen levels start to recover. And the harmful carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce by half. Within 24 hours, your lungs start clearing mucus, and all the carbon monoxide is flushed out. After 72 hours your bronchial tubes start to relax, making breathing much easier. You might also notice you have more energy. 

Long-term benefits

Between 2 and 12 weeks after quitting, blood will be pumping to your heart and muscles much better because your circulation will have improved. After 3 to 9 months, any coughs, wheezing or breathing problems will start improving as your lung function increases by up to 10%. After 1 year, your risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half. After 10 years, your risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker’s. After 15 years, your risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.

Resources and support to help you quit for good

Stoptober offers a range of tools and support to help you quit and stay smoke-free. Use these alongside our EWS Stop Smoking service to get maximum support and boost your chance of kicking your habit for good!

Stoptober resources

Essex Wellbeing Service resources

  • Access to a Stop Smoking Adviser.
  • Access to Allan Carr’s Easyway courses.
  • E-cigarettes or vapes, as part of a pilot scheme.
  • Medications designed to assist you to stop smoking.
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapies.
  • Stories of successful quitters.
  • Access to a free wellbeing app that allows you to track and monitor your success.
  • Referral into other local health programmes, such as health checks, support to get physically active, or mental and emotional health support.

You’re 3 times more likely to quit successfully with the help of a Stop Smoking Adviser. If you’re on the fence about whether to contact us for support, read our FAQs about our stop smoking service.

The lasting impact: beyond Stoptober

Quitting for October can lead to quitting for life – once you’re past those first 28 days, you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good. 

You’ll unlock positive impacts in every part of your life:

  • Increased life expectancy and a lower risk of cancer and other long-term diseases.
  • Reduced impacts from secondary smoke on children and others, including lower risks of cancer in adulthood, plus childhood asthma and chest health.
  • Increased fertility and safer pregnancies.
  • Lower risk of complications if you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Improved eye and hearing health.
  • Saving money on cigarettes – money you can now save or spend on something you’ve always wanted to do!

Your success during Stoptober could motivate friends or family to quit smoking too, creating a ripple effect of better health. Stopping smoking is one of the most impactful decisions you can make for your health.

Get in touch

Click the below button to take our online assessment to help you understand more about your health needs, prioritise them and find the right support for you.

Complete your Wellbeing Assessment TODAY

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone about any of our services, or would like assistance taking the assessment online please contact us on 0300 303 9988 or email to talk to one of our friendly team members.