Whether you’re single, widowed, married or in a relationship – a fraction of your Valentine’s Day should most definitely be devoted to some self-care. It’s been a difficult year and you should most definitely love yourself for continuing to fight through it. Here are a few ideas to get you started…
Whether it’s a quick seven-minute HIIT workout or a thirty-minute strength and balance session, working out is a great way to show admiration for your body and what it can do. Exercise also helps to energise the mind, body and soul.
Pamper yourself
A nice bath, hot water bottle, a comfy blanket – whatever makes you feel calm and relaxed is exactly your definition of pampering.
Busy your brain
Focussing on something like a jigsaw puzzle, a good book, or even a painting is like sending your brain off on a holiday. Tasks like these offer both stimulation and relaxation.
Show some self-love
It may sound cheesy, but you have to appreciate yourself. Write a list of everything you love about yourself and take a moment to feel proud of the person that you are.
Call someone you love
One of the best ways to feel love is to show it. Kindness is incredibly infectious and it has a profound effect on the individual who shows it. So, make an effort to phone all your favourite people and share the love.
However you choose to spend Valentine’s day, never forget the power of loving yourself.