Back to Articles Published: 20 January 2022

How to stay active when you’re really busy

It’s not uncommon to have the desire to exercise and still worry about when you’ll fit it all in. There are some simple things you can do to make sure you stay active within the time you have available. Let’s get started…

Set realistic targets 

There’s no point telling yourself you’re going to exercise for amounts of time that you simply do not have. Take a seat and ask yourself ‘how much spare time do I really have during this week?’ With this knowledge, schedule your weekly exercise routine.

If something comes up that prevents you from exercising, don’t worry, life happens. This feeling of guilt isn’t helpful, try to turn it into motivation for tomorrow’s workout! 

Wake up 10 minutes earlier 

Waking up just 10 minutes earlier is enough time for a morning HIIT workout or a run around the block. You’ll also benefit from starting your day with added endorphins and energy! 

It may be difficult on the first day, but after a while, it’ll be part of your routine.

Get a workout partner 

Working out with a friend, family member or spouse is a great way to combine quality time with exercise! A workout partner will also help you to recognise the importance of exercise over some of your other activities. 

Incorporate the family 

Parenthood isn’t known for leaving you with buckets of time – but there are ways around it. 

Take a walk with your children; do a family workout routine; run whilst they’re on bikes – or even pop them on your back for some weighted squats (if you are fit and healthy enough to do so of course). 

There are plenty of ways to incorporate your family into your exercise routines – you just have to get creative!