Back to News Published: 14 May 2024

Celebrating our second year supporting Essex residents

Wow what an amazing year!  Thank you to all our partners for their work supporting the residents of Essex with their wellbeing.  Here’s just a few of the headlines from our work.

EWS Single point of Access (SPA)

35,000 + calls taken

47,000 bookings and referrals

“the client said seh’d never been given so much information beofre and said I sounded very caring and she felt she could trust me”. SPA Care Navigator

NHS Health Checks

48,000 received an NHS health check

reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke

Smoking Support

3,914 supported to quit smoking

up 25% on last year

470 pregnant women have given up smoking

up 47% on last year

Community Outreach

Health Coaching in Hard to Reach communitions and Health Checks addressing health inequalities.

Community Agents

“The things you have managed to put in place for our dad have been amazing. We have been so worried about Dad losing his independence and confidence t get out and about. He now has a much-needed safety net an dlots to look forward to” 

Client’s Daughter

3,778 referrals

made by agents to other organisations (includes specialist advice, assistive tech, befriending, housing, sensory, strength and balance)

Top 3 intervention impacts:

  • Reduced safety / security risk
  • Avoided social care input
  • Avoided / reduced debt and poverty

Community Resilience Building

12,740 individuals supported

12,510 Be Kind Campaign small acts of kindness

1,200 groups and organisations reached

400 initiated an even to support the United in Kind campaign

6,100 follows on United in Kind Facebook group

Rochford UiK coach Corina O’Donnell won Essex Radio Make A Difference Award in the ‘Together’ category for United in Strides Walk

Carer Support

Formalising our work with over 600 carers since 2022 with 400+ prevented from falling into crisis.


Matching clients with training volunteers.

1,605 total referrals

101 befriending volunteers in the onboarding process

“It’s really reduced my feelings of isolation. Right from the start, it felt like we’d known each other forever!

Weight Management

There has never been more choice for people of Essex wanting to lose weight.

5,769 referrals this year

3,122 kg total weight lost

“The programme is working for me as it gives me an artificial conscience to stay on track. The weekly weigh in really helps.

Family Weight

1,045 referrals

“In the 7 weeks period of working together we have managed to reduced the young person’s weight by 2.05kg, with BMI reducing from 30.48 to 29.02”

Social Media


73.8% increase in Facebook Visits

over 2,700 followers


863 members in the #LoseWeightHappily private group and growing

73 new organisations

544 completed MHFA training

1,000x supported work workplace wellbeing

104,981 miles walked

in virtual walking challenges – that’s 2.5 times around the world!

The Essex Wellbeing Service is commissioned by Essex County Council