Back to News Published: 23 September 2021

Stoptober: free nicotine replacement therapy with EWS

It’s Stoptober, and we all know what that means. It’s a time where smokers are encouraged to participate in a 28-day smoke-free challenge during October. 

Why 28 days?

Well, research suggests that if you can make it 28 days smoke-free, you are five times more likely to quit for good.

But as always, this isn’t something you have to do alone. With our new offer, we’re expecting to boost our already impressive success in the county, where over 16,259 people have quit in the last four years, with our Stop Smoking team. 

We’re working with pharmacies across Essex to offer free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help smokers quit. 

Smokers can join the scheme at participating pharmacies where they will be offered weekly supplies of NRT for up to eight weeks. The NRT is a part of a package that includes proven behavioural support from trained staff. 

“The best time to give up smoking is always ‘now’. Stoptober offers a great prompt to join with others and kick that habit. It can be hard but do not be put off if you have tried before, only to go back to lighting up.  Many successful ex-smokers have needed several attempts to give up permanently.
“Smoking leads to more stress and lower mood,  so once you are over the withdrawal period, life is likely to get better.  Quitting also comes with the satisfaction of taking control of your health.  There is lots of help available, such as that offered by the Essex Wellbeing Service.  Taking up this free support quadruples a person’s chance of successfully quitting.”
Danny Showell, Public Health Consultant at Essex County Council

If you think that NRT isn’t quite for you, then explore our other Stop Smoking options here.