Articles 25 May 2022
How volunteering can help with social isolation and loneliness
In a national survey on volunteer experience, roughly two-thirds agreed that their volunteering had helped them feel less isolated - particularly those…
Articles 25 May 2022
New services available for Essex residents struggling to cope with bereavement
Essex County Council (ECC) has funded four voluntary and community organisations across the county to support children, young people and…
Articles 18 March 2022
165 kilos and struggling to breathe: Richard’s Weight Loss Success Story
Difficulty walking more than 50 yards, trouble breathing, couldn’t stand up for more than a couple of minutes, and feeling…
Articles 14 March 2022
Weight management, alcohol reduction, and easing social isolation: Steve’s Success Story
At the Essex Wellbeing Service, it’s not uncommon for somebody to visit us to improve one area of their health and find out it would be beneficial to take a look at…
Articles 5 March 2022
Being overweight: the impact on your sex life
It’s well-documented that being overweight can lead to life-threatening conditions such as type 2 diabetes; coronary heart disease; some types…
Articles 28 February 2022