Been thinking about quitting smoking? Wanted to quit but missed Stoptober? Started Stoptober but life got in the way? Been trying to quit for a while?
Wherever you are in your journey to quitting smoking, the good news is it’s never too late. Changing a habit like smoking is challenging, and there are lots of different approaches.
If quitting completely hasn’t worked well for you, or you feel like you’ve missed out on the social support of Stoptober, why not take your first step and cut back instead?
In fact, cutting back on cigarettes is a powerful first step towards quitting for good. And even if you don’t quit completely, you’ll still see massive benefits to your health, wallet and wellbeing when you cut back.

Why Cutting Back Matters
Reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke each day gives your body a break from constant exposure to harmful toxins. This small step decreases the strain on your heart and lungs, which can make quitting feel more achievable. Even fewer cigarettes can lead to health improvements, such as better lung capacity and circulation.
Read more about the health and wellbeing benefits of cutting back on smoking.
Building Psychological Resilience
When you cut back, you’re also building mental and emotional strength. Quitting smoking is often more of a psychological challenge than a physical one. Cutting down gradually helps you identify triggers and understand your smoking patterns. Reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke breaks down a big challenge into smaller, more manageable goals. Ask yourself “can I smoke one fewer cigarette than yesterday?” This can give you the confidence to eventually quit completely.
Read Holly’s story, from trying to go cold turkey on cigarettes, to switching to a slow and steady approach of cutting back and building up her confidence.
The Long-term benefits
Even if you’re not ready to quit all at once, cutting back reduces the risk of many smoking-related diseases, like heart disease, lung cancer, and strokes. Each cigarette avoided means your body is exposed to fewer harmful chemicals, which in turn boosts your long-term health.

Cigarettes are also expensive, so each time you don’t smoke, you save money. And cutting back further each week or month means the amount of money you save will increase.
Read about the variety of long-term benefits from cutting back on cigarettes.
Accessing Support and Resources
If you’re cutting back with the aim to quit, you don’t have to do it alone. Essex Wellbeing’s Stop Smoking programme, offers guidance and resources, including nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), support groups, and one-on-one coaching to help you gradually reduce and then quit smoking.
Take a look to see how we can support you to cut back or quit.
Overcoming Setbacks
It’s important to recognize that cutting back on smoking can come with setbacks, and that’s okay. You may experience cravings, or find it hard to resist the urge to smoke in certain situations. These moments don’t mean you’ve failed – they’re a normal part of the process. Relapses can happen, but cutting back is still progress. Instead of focusing on slip-ups, celebrate the small victories, like smoking fewer cigarettes than you did before. Each step, even imperfect, moves you closer to better health and wellbeing results.
It’s Never Too Late
Whether it’s just after Stoptober or another time of the year, starting the journey towards quitting smoking is always a positive step. Cutting back is a manageable, effective way to move toward a smoke-free life. And it’s never too late to start. For personalised advice and support, reach out and get in touch. The important thing is to start now—you’ll be thankful you did.
For more information and support on cutting down, fill out our online assessment to see how Essex Wellbeing Services can help.
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Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone about any of our services, or would like assistance taking the assessment online please contact us on 0300 303 9988 or email provide.essexwellbeing@nhs.net to talk to one of our friendly team members.